This, most probably, fixes the 64bit client crashesh of the previous patch (15677)
Armored Druid Bear Forms (thanks to Incarnation)
New Items-> WoWDB
Black Market Auction House Active, Achievement Changes, Spell Changes, New Maps, Client Strings and more
You can find more information about the 15689 build at
The last server maintenance fixed the problems with the 64bit Beta client (it was crashing at the character selection screen). Blue post about that: here.
- Several legendary quality Sha artifacts:
Breath of the Black Prince,
Sigil of Power,
Chimera of Fear,
Sigil of Wisdom
- Secondary professions will scale accountwide:
Grand Master Cookbook and so on
- New hunter pet types:
Rest (Porcupines) and
Surface Trot (Water Striders)
- You will be able to blacklist maps in PvP, though we're unsure of what this means:
- ERR_PVP_BLACKLIST_CAP = "You have already blacklisted the maximum number of maps."
- ERR_PVP_MAP_NOT_FOUND = "Blacklisted map not set.";
- New Fishing quest items--possibly for dailies or even a new tournament.
- Gathering will be quicker in Mists of Pandaria:
Forager's Gloves
- New scenarios: A Brewing Storm and Big Beach Brew Bash
- New Title: The Zookeeper
- New Glyphs, including many new Shaman vanity ones.
- New Engineering Tinker:
Cloak Tinker: Goblin Glider
- New Shield Spike:
Ghost Iron Shield Spike
- New Weapon Chain:
Living Steel Weapon Chain
- New Fishing chair:
Nat's Fishing Chair
- New Abilities, many for new
Hunter pet types
- Scenario and PvP Achievements are in, like
Beat the Heat,
For Display Only,
Master of Silvershard Mines.
Armored Druid Bear Forms (thanks to Incarnation)
New Items-> WoWDB
Black Market Auction House Active, Achievement Changes, Spell Changes, New Maps, Client Strings and more
You can find more information about the 15689 build at
The last server maintenance fixed the problems with the 64bit Beta client (it was crashing at the character selection screen). Blue post about that: here.
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