- Classes
Death Knight
Death Siphon now heals for 150% of the damage dealt (was 100%).
Conversion now costs 5 Runic Power plus 5 per second thereafter (was 10 Runic Power plus 10 per second).
- The Bloodworms summoned by
Blood Parasite now have 200% more health.
- Unholy
Summon Gargoyle no longer costs Runic Power.
Gargoyle Strike now deals Shadow and Nature damage (was Nature only).
Ebon Plaguebringer now causes
Plague Strike to inflict
Frost Fever, in addition to its other effects.
- Symbiosis
- Shattering Blow now has a 1.5 second cast time to align correctly with the Warrior version of this ability.
Displacer Beast has been redesigned. It now triggers Cat Form and grants 50% increased movement speed for 4 seconds after teleporting, and no longer activates Prowl.
Cenarion Ward now grants 100% increased healing.
Frenzied Regeneration now scales 10% more efficiently with attack power.
Tooth and Claw now scales 10% more efficiently with attack power.
Mastery: Nature's Guardian now provides 20% more armor per Mastery rating.
Rejuvenation now costs approximately 9% less mana.
- Revive and
Mark of the Wild now cost 55% less mana.
Faerie Swarm can now snare more than one target at a time.
Mass Entanglement now has a 30 second cooldown (was 2 minutes).
Typhoon now has a 30 second cooldown (was 20 seconds).
- The Treants summoned by
Force of Nature now deal more damage and healing, and the
Force of Nature tooltip will report the capabilities of these summoned pets.
Soul of the Forest
- Balance: Now generates 40 Lunar or Solar energy upon leaving Eclipse.
- Feral: Unchanged.
- Guardian: Generates 3 additional Rage per Mangle.
Nature's Vigil now has a 90 second cooldown (was 3 minutes), and now increases damage and healing done by 10% (was 20%).
Bestial Wrath may now be activated when there is no line of sight to the Hunter's pet.
Silencing Shot now has a 24 second cooldown (was 20).
Binding Shot no longer has a Focus cost.
Wyvern Sting no longer has a Focus cost, and its cooldown is now 45 seconds (was 60 seconds).
- Glyph of Marked for Death has been removed, and its effects are now baseline.
- New Glyph:
Glyph of Liberation. This glyph now causes Disengage to heal the Hunter for 5% of maximum health when used.
Invocation now removes
Evocation's cooldown and reduces its channeling time and duration by 50%. A completed
Evocation now grants 15% increased damage (was 25%) for 1 minute (was 40 seconds) after an
Evocation is completed. Passive mana regeneration is reduced by 50% only while Invoker's Energy is active.
- Greater invisibility now has a 90 second cooldown (was 2.5 minutes).
Frostbolt cast by Mirror Images now deals 50% more damage.
- Improved Counterspell has been removed.
- Glyph of Fire Blast has been replaced with Glyph of Inferno Blast. Glyph of Inferno Blast causes damage over time effects spread by Inferno Blast to spread to 1 additional target.
Blazing Speed can now be triggered at will.
Cold Snap now heals the Mage for 15% of maximum health when used (was 30%).
Ice Floes now has a 45 second cooldown (was 1 minute).
Scorch now costs 3.5% of base mana (was 0.1%).
- Arcane
Arcane Blast's mana cost has been increased to 1.66667% of base mana (was 1.5%).
- New Level 60 Talent:
Ring of Peace
Ring of Peace forms a 8 yard sanctuary around the target for 8 seconds, causing all enemies in the area of effect to be silenced and disarmed.
- New Windwalker and Brewmaster ability added at level 30:
Nimble Brew.
Nimble Brew removes all stun, fear, and root effects, and reduces the duration of those effects if they are re-applied by 60% for 6 seconds. It has a 2 minute cooldown.
Chi Wave now does 100% more damage and healing, and no longer costs Chi, but now has a 15 second cooldown.
Zen Sphere now has a limit of 2 (was 1), now detonates when either the recipient reaches 35% health or the
Zen Sphere is dispelled, and no longer costs Chi.
Chi Burst now does 100% more damage and healing, no longer costs Chi, and now has a 30 second cooldown.
- Path of Blossoms has been removed.
- Deadly Reach has been removed.
Paralysis is now a physical, non-magical effect, and can no longer be dispelled, grounded or reflected, and its base range has been increased to 20 yards.
Tiger's Lust and
Touch of Karma no longer have a Chi cost.
Tiger's Lust can no longer be used on targets that have other temporary speed increases active.
Charging Ox Wave now has a 30 second cooldown (was 60 seconds).
- D
Dampen Harm can now be used while stunned, and its cooldown will now begin when used, not when the effect ends.
- Healing Elixirs now heals the
Monk for 15% of maximum health (was 10%).
Chi Torpedo now deals 15% more damage.
Healing Spheres now have a duration of 1 minute. Healing Spheres generated by
Mastery: Gift of the Serpent now have a duration of 30 seconds.
- Mistweaver
Life Cocoon can no longer be dispelled.
Zen Focus, the 4-piece Mistweave set bonus, is now more responsive.
- It is no longer possible to use
Thunder Focus Tea while silenced.
Healing Spheres will now heal for 50% of their original value if they expire without being picked up. This healing will factor in relevant Mastery.
- Xuen will now fixate on the
Monk's original target.
- Windwalker
- New Level 75 Ability:
Storm, Earth and Fire
- The Windwalker can summon up to two elemental duplicates that mirror damaging abilities that the
Monk uses while they are active. For each spirit summoned, the
Monk's damage is reduced: 1 spirit causes the
Monk and the spirit to deal 60% of the
Monk's normal damage, while 2 spirits will cause the
Monk and both active spirits to deal 40% of the
Monk's normal damage. Each spirit lasts until the ability is canceled, or that spirit's target dies or otherwise becomes unavailable.
- Combo Breaker is now a passive ability granted at level 15 that grants a 12% chance to make the
Monk's next
Blackout Kick or Tiger Palm cost no Chi.
- New mastery:
Mastery: Bottled Fury -- Increases the damage bonus provided by
Tigereye Brew by .2% per Mastery per stack.
Tigereye Brew now increases damage by 1% per stack (was 2%), but is now improved by Bottled Fury.
Tigereye Brew now gains 1 charge after spending 2 Chi (was 4 Chi).
Tigereye Brew will now stack to 20, but only 10 charges can be consumed per activation.
- A user interface alert now displays upon reaching 10 stacks of
Tigereye Brew.
- Brewmaster
Mastery: Elusive Brawler now provides 25% more Stagger per Mastery rating.
Hand of Purity now reduces all incoming damage by 10% in addition to its other effects.
Eternal Flame's periodic heal now provides 100% more healing when self-cast.
- Judgment now costs 5% of base mana.
- Protection
- The base damage of
Consecration has been increased by 789%, and it now scales less efficiently with attack power by approximately 11%.
Power Word: Solace has been redesigned.
Power Word: Solace replaces
Holy Fire. It deals the same damage and interacts with other spells and abilities in the same manner, but is instant, costs no mana, and restores 1% of maximum mana on each cast.
Dominate Mind now has a 1.8 second cast time (was 2.5 seconds).
Angelic Feather now has a 6 second duration (was 4 seconds).
Body and Soul now has a 3 second duration (was 4 seconds).
Glyph of Holy Fire has been redesigned. It now increases the range of
Holy Fire,
Smite, and
Power Word: Solace by 10 yards.
- Discipline
Focused Will now reduces damage taken by 15% per stack, with a limit of 2 stacks.
Spirit Shell no longer benefits from Mastery, and now properly includes the benefits of Divine Aegis and critical effect chance.
Rapture now provides mana equal to 250% (was 200%) of the Priest's Spirit, but no longer benefits from Spirit provided by short duration bonuses.
Preparation is now a baseline ability learned at level 68.
- Versatility has been removed.
- New Level 90 Talent:
Marked for Death
- Marks a target and instantly generates 5 combo points. When that target dies,
Marked for Death's cooldown is reset. This talent has a 1 minute cooldown.
Burst of Speed now costs 30 Energy (was 50 Energy), can be used in Stealth, and always grants increased movement speed in addition to breaking snare effects, but no longer breaks root effects.
Shuriken Toss now causes the Rogue to throw shuriken instead of autoattacking for 10 seconds after
Shuriken Toss is used.
Deadly Throw can now interrupt spellcasting when used at 3, 4, and 5 combo points, and upon interrupt prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4, 5 and 6 seconds respectively (was 5 combo points and 6 seconds).
Nerve Strike now reduces the effectiveness of healing provided by the target by 25%.
Shadow Focus now reduces ability energy costs by 75% while stealthed (was 100%).
- PvP set bonuses have been changed:
Vigor is now the 4 piece set bonus and increases maximum energy by 50 (was 10).
Deadly Brew is now the 2 piece set bonus, and its effects remain unchanged.
- Combat
Vitality now increases attack power by 30% (was 25%).
Blade Flurry now deals 75% less damage.
- Subtlety
Sanguinary Vein now increases the damage the target takes by 20% (was 16%).
- The Felhunter ability
Spell Lock is now an interrupt, and no longer applies a 3 second blanket silence.
Blood Fear has been redesigned. This ability is now cast on the
Warlock, and causes melee attacks that strike within the next 60 seconds to fear the attacker. When cast, the ability has 1 charge, costs 20% health to activate, and has a 30 second cooldown.
Soul Leech now provides an absorption shield instead of healing.
Sacrificial Pact now requires the pet to sacrifice 25% of its health to activate (was 50%).
Kil'jaeden's Cunning is now a passive talent, and its activated ability has been removed.
- The passive damage from
Archimonde's Vengeance no longer has a visual effect.
Grimoire of Sacrifice now increases the damage of abilities by 20% (was 25%) for Destruction, and 45% (was 50%) for Affliction.
Grimoire of Sacrifice now provides the spell Whiplash instead of Seduction when a Succubus is sacrificed.
- Glyph of Burning Embers has been removed, and its effects are now baseline for Destruction
- Glyph of Soul Shards has been removed, and its effects are now baseline for Affliction
- New Glyph:
Glyph of Ember Tap. This glyph increases the healing gained from
Ember Tap by 50%.
- New Glyph:
Glyph of Drain Life. This glyph increases the healing gained from
Drain Life by 30%.
Shockwave now has a 40 second cooldown (was 20 seconds), striking 3 or more targets will reduce its cooldown by 20 seconds.
Second Wind now causes a Warrior that has been reduced to 35% health or lower to regenerate 2% of their health per second (was 3%), and now generates 15 Rage over 10 seconds (was 20 Rage).
Warbringer now reduces the target's movement by 50% for 15 seconds (8 seconds in PvP) in addition to its other effects.
Shield Barrier now scales approximately 10% less efficiently with attack power.
Storm Bolt now deals 125% weapon damage (was 100%).
Enraged Regeneration now costs 30 Rage (was 60).
Glyph of Death From Above no longer increases the damage dealt by
Heroic Leap.
- Arms
- (Spell #56638) has been redesigned. It now causes the Warrior to gain 2 stacks of
Overpower (maximum of 5 stacks) when
Mortal Strike deals damage or the target dodges, and no longer interacts with
Heroic Strike. It now requires level 20 (was level 50).
Slam now deals 220% weapon damage (was 190%).
- Protection
- The base damage of
Shield Slam and
Revenge has been increased by 150%, but these abilities now scale approximately 10% less efficiently with attack power.
Elemental Mastery now has a 1 minute cooldown (was 2 minutes).
Conductivity no longer requires that the target be within the area of effect of
Healing Rain.
Ancestral Swiftness now increases spell haste by 5% and melee haste by 10% (was 5%/5%).
Glyph of Purge now adds a 6 second cooldown to
- Stone Bulwark Totem now absorbs 25% more damage.
Unleashed Fury Flametongue now increases
Lightning Boltdamage by 20% (was 30%), and
Lava Burst damage by 10% (was 0%).
- Primal Earth Elemental and Primal Fire Elemental now deal 20% more damage.
- [pell=117014] now has a chance to increase the caster's Agility for Enhancement
Glyph of Flame Shock has been redesigned. This glyph now causes the
Shaman to heal for 50% of the damage dealt by
Flame Shock.
Flame Shock's duration has been increased by 25%.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Patch 5.2.0 A list of all class changes
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