Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How to enable your own Mist of Pandaria addons on any Beta Build

Main exe file:
virus scan:

source code:

Just run the exe and it will patch any open wow.exe it finds.
Also, note that the addon api is a bit incomplete atm (several functions seem to be either missing or renamed) so don't expect all your addons to run flawlessly.

Updated to a (hopefully) build independent version (thanks to TOM_RUS for the pattern)
Or if You prefer a permanently patched wow.exe look at this method (thanks to Ssateneth):
Credits go to TOM_RUS for new EXE's and oprime for pattern and patch bytes as usual.

32-bit WoW build 15662 with addons enabled download HERE and VIRUSTOTAL
32-bit WoW build 15662 with addons enabled and LUA Hack download HERE and VIRUSTOTAL
64-bit WoW build 15662 with addons enabled download HERE and VIRUSTOTAL

These files are not patchers, put them directly in your wow.exe folder and run them.

Hex-edited version of _Mike 's program 15662 Filebeam - download

Read all about it at the OwnedCore forums .

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